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I need help!  Who should I contact?

Everyone involved in the adminstration of [CSE2] is an extremely busy person with other responsibilities.  That is not to say that they are disinterested in helping you - they want to help!  However, if you make it hard to assist, you will inevitably receive less help.  In order to make the most of the resources around you, avoid face to face meetings and always email first.  It may seem easier for you to speak to a person, but that makes it much harder for the person on the other end, who has little additional time outside of office hours.  Instead, take the time to carefully write a brief email, and you will find that the staff can read it when they have a free moment and respond to you.  Also, the action of writing the email may actually reveal the tricky bit that you're asking about.  Brief emails will get you faster and more detailed responses - whereas you could get an email response on the same day, waiting to arrange a meeting could easily take a week.  This why you should always email first.  When you use email, always start your subject with [CSE2], avoiding variations that include spaces, zeroes, or non-square brackets.


Attendance issues: Graduate TA

If you must miss a class session or exam, please contact the graduate teaching assistant.  This includes when you are sick, when you cannot be on campus because of job interviews or sports travel, and other situations.  If you must miss an exam, please bring ample evidence that you are unable to attend the exam.  Also, if you require extra time as part of a special accommodation, you must take the makeup exam and first notify the graduate TA.  If you must miss an exam for predictable reasons, notification is expected a week in advance, or you will not be allowed to take the exam


Submitting Labs: Undergraduate TA

While it is not recommended to submit labs late, labs may be submitted at any time during the semester until the last lab period.  After the final lab period, labs will not be accepted under any conditions, without exception.  In order to submit a lab, show it to an undergraduate TA during a lab session, or during their office hours.


Homework Questions: Undergraduate TA

If you are stuck on homework, visit an undergraduate TA during their office hours, which you can look up on the syllabus.  You can also email them.  If you do, make sure to use [CSE2] in the subject.


General Java questions: Undergraduate TA, Professors

Office hours are offered by undergraduate TAs on most business days.  Please try to see a TA if you need assistance on any technical topic.  The professor and adjunct professor also offer office hours and are available to assist.  If you prefer to contact a member of the staff via email, always write [CSE2] in the subject header, or your email may not receive a response.

The class also maintains a forum on courseSite that is actively used by all students.  Please post your question there if it is relevant to all students.  This forum has been quite useful and productive in the past.